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Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), slows the absorption of food and decreases calorie intake by creating a small stomach pouch. The pouch holds 3 to 5 ounces of food. The remainder of the stomach is not removed, but is completely stapled shut and divided from the stomach pouch.
The outlet from this newly formed pouch empties directly into the middle portion of the small intestine, thus bypassing calorie absorption and the duodenum (the first portion of the small intestine).
Results: you can expect to lose 75% of your excess body weight within three years after surgery.
Bariatric surgeons at The Surgical Weight Loss Institute offers candidates a laparoscopic option for weight-loss surgery:
- Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery is a less invasive approach where instruments, inserted through small incisions in the abdomen, are guided by the surgeon using advanced technology such as HD laparoscopic camera to perform the surgery from a HD monitor.
- The small incisions allow for a faster recovery with less pain than traditional surgery
Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Bypass Surgery
What are some of gastric bypass surgery results?
- Restricts Eating: During gastric bypass surgery, a small pouch is created with staples which limits how much you can eat and diminishes appetite.
- Decreases Calorie Intake: The intestine is rerouted in such a way that calories are not absorbed in a small segment.
- Dumping Syndrome: Another effect of gastric bypass surgery is a condition called dumping syndrome. Because the intestine is re-routed after bariatric surgery, certain foods, such as those high in sugar, are emptied quickly into the intestines. Although this does not happen to everyone after gastric bypass surgery, it is a common side effect causing people to avoid foods with sugar and is generally felt to be a benefit of the surgery and not a complication.
How much weight will I lose after gastric bypass surgery?
- People usually lose 75% of their excess body weight in three years after surgery.
- For example, if you weighed 210 pounds above your ideal body weight, you could lose 160 pounds.
- People who continue to routinely exercise and follow the dietary suggestions can lose up to 80% of their excess body weight.
What are the health benefits of gastric bypass surgery?
- Most individuals experience additional health benefits from gastric bypass surgery.
- In 95% of patients the quality of life improved and obesity-related health conditions called "comorbidities" were resolved or improved. In addition mobility and energy are usually greatly improved.
- Bariatric surgery has also been shown to resolve or improve obesity-related health conditions (comorbidities), including:
- Type 2 Diabetes - 82%-98% resolved
- Hypertension - 62%-70% resolved
- Migraines - 57% resolved
- Obstructive sleep apnea - 74%-98% resolved
- Osteoarthritis/Degenerative joint disease - 44% resolved
How long is the hospital stay for gastric bypass surgery?
- After gastric bypass surgery, you can expect to stay at the hospital for a minimum of two days.
Statistics source: American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery 2018