Going Home

Your doctor will notify you and your family regarding the day and time of your discharge. Please do not leave the hospital before being formally discharged by your attending physician. If you cannot arrange for transportation home before 9:00 a.m., you are welcome to wait in the patient lounge on your floor. Should you remain in your room past 10:00 a.m., reimbursement policies require us to charge you the full day's room rate. Since these charges would not be covered by your insurance carrier, please ask the family member taking you home on discharge day to be at the hospital as early as possible. Late departure charges do not apply to patients awaiting transportation by a local or private volunteer ambulance service.

Family members or friends picking you up on your day of discharge should settle any outstanding financial matters at the cashier's office in the main lobby. Once the discharge forms are completed, the cashier will issue a release slip, which should be presented to the nurse on your unit for final clearance. You may then leave the unit. Before leaving the hospital, present the discharge clearance slip to the volunteer at the Information Desk.

Reminder: Before leaving your room, please check your closet and all drawers for personal items. Also at this time, please reclaim any valuables left with us for safekeeping.